Latest Developments

Ron Fein to the Huffington Post: Impeaching Trump is a Question for Congress

In an op-ed for the Huffington Post, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein challenges the notion that launching impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump must wait until the conclusion of the investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. Contrary to a common misunderstanding, impeachment does not require evidence that the president committed a federal
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Washington Post: Trump’s actions in Helsinki don’t have to be treasonous to be impeachable

In article for the Washington Post, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein discusses the Helsinki Summit and President Trump’s response to questioning regarding Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 election. Is it treason? It’s easy to see why people are asking. Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election are well documented. Evidence is
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VIDEO: Grounds for Impeachment

Free Speech For People and Need To Impeach hosted a Facebook Live event on July 10 to discuss the legal grounds for impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. The panel featured Free Speech For People Board Chair Ben Clements, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein, Vermont Law Professor Jennifer Taub and Tom Steyer founder
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Tom Steyer and Ron Fein to NBC News: Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation must be stopped until Mueller’s investigation is complete

In an opinion editorial for NBC News, Free Speech For People Legal Director, Ron Fein, and Need to Impeach Founder, Tom Steyer, discuss the importance of stopping the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court until Robert Mueller’s investigation has concluded and Congress has completed an impeachment investigation of Donald Trump. In what
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Big news: We’re talking impeachment. In great detail. With experts.

Cross-posted with permission from Melville House Books. Well, the cat’s out of the bag: next month, we’ll be publishing The Constitution Demands It: The Case for the Impeachment of Donald Trump, by John Bonifaz, Ben Clements, and Ron Fein, with a foreword by The Nation’s John Nichols. The three authors—all veteran constitutional attorneys united through their work with Free Speech For People—lay out,
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Announcing: The Constitution Demands It

Written by Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein, Co-Founder and President John Bonifaz, and Chair of the Board of Directors Ben Clements, with a foreword by The Nation’s national affairs correspondent John Nichols, The Constitution Demands It argues that the time to talk about impeachment is now, and offers a precise case against President Trump.
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Facebook Livestream Event and Big Announcement Tomorrow!

What are the legal and Constitutional grounds for impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump? Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 10th from 2:30-3:30 pm ET, Free Speech For People will co-host a Facebook Live panel with Need To Impeach on the legal grounds for impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. You can view the live video on our Facebook page.
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How Big Money Shackles Immigration Policy

In December 2016, Free Speech For People released the report “Private Prisons and Political Contributions: How Big Money Shackles Immigration Policy.” The bilingual report was authored by Democracy Honors Fellow Jasmine Gomez and Demos’ Pamela Cataldo, and explored the effects of money in politics on immigration and the prison industry. The report found that private
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No Supreme Court Confirmation Until Impeachment Hearings and Criminal Investigation Have Concluded

We call upon the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to postpone the confirmation hearings for any potential nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court until both Congressional impeachment proceedings and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal investigation have concluded. This is the first time in American history that a president’s campaign has been under criminal investigation for potential
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The Arizona Free Enterprise Club decision, seven years later

June 27 marks the seventh anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett, which struck down key portions of Arizona’s public campaign financing law as supposedly violating the First Amendment. This blog post for the decision’s anniversary was drafted by Ryan Gorman, a student at Harvard Law School
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