Latest Developments

Harper v. Virginia and the Wealth Primary as a New Poll Tax

Today is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections, which struck down poll taxes in state elections as violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Virginia’s poll taxes, enacted in 1902, had preserved Virginia’s place as an elite white man’s commonwealth. But to this day,
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What Did Facebook Know? When Did Facebook Know it? And What did Management Do?

Following reports that Facebook data had been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica and used by the campaign of Donald J. Trump, Free Speech For People submitted a books and records inspection request under Delaware Corporations Code Section 220 on behalf of a shareholder to learn what the company knew, when it knew it, and what
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Ron Fein for Wired: Equifax Deserves the Corporate Death Penalty

In an oped for Wired, Legal Director Ron Fein calls for the judicial dissolution of Equifax, due to the company’s failure to protect the private data of over 143 million people. Equifax’s failure calls for the corporate death penalty, through a rare but vital procedure called judicial dissolution. Under the law of Georgia, where Equifax
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Watch: Time to Abolish the Wealth Primary and Ensure Political Equality for All

At the recent Unrig the System Summit, John Bonifaz, President of Free Speech For People, gave the Spark talk, “Time to Abolish the Wealth Primary: The Newest Barrier to the Right to Vote.” Today’s campaign finance system operates like a wealth primary, an exclusionary process blocking equal and meaningful participation of voters and candidates based
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Free Speech For People Joins Reform Groups and Watchdogs to Urge Congress to Oppose Poison Pill Campaign Finance Riders

In a letter sent on March 1, 2018, to members of Congress, Free Speech For People joined 24 reform groups and watchdogs to strongly urge members to oppose all campaign finance riders from being included in the final FY18 Omnibus Appropriations legislation. One potential rider would demolish the Johnson amendment, which prevents 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations from
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Favorable Procedural Ruling in the Lawsuit that Could End Super PACs

We’ve passed the first hurdle in Lieu v. Federal Election Commission, the case that could end super PACs. Earlier today, Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia rejected the FEC’s attempts to defeat the case on procedural grounds. As background, our original November 4, 2016 federal court complaint, on behalf
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Jennifer Taub, Law Professor, Author, and Legal Expert, Joins Free Speech For People’s Board of Directors

Free Speech For People is thrilled to welcome Professor Jennifer Taub to our Board of Directors! Jennifer Taub is a Professor of Law at Vermont Law School, where she teaches courses in contracts, corporations, securities regulation, and white collar crime. She is the author of the book Other People’s Houses: How Decades of Bailouts, Captive Regulators, and
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Hears Argument in Key Campaign Finance Case

Massachusetts has prohibited business corporations from making political contributions since 1907. On Tuesday, March 6, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court heard arguments in 126 Self Storage v. Sullivan, a challenge to the state’s longstanding ban. (In 2015, we wrote about the trial court decision in this case, back when it was known as 1A Auto
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FSFP Welcomes Spring 2018 Legal Interns

Free Speech For People is pleased to announce our spring 2018 legal interns. We welcome these law students to our Legal Advocacy Program and we look forward to working with them. Kourosh Azin is a first year student at Boston College Law School. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of California,
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