Latest Developments

MLK Day reminds us that money in politics is a civil rights issue

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day we celebrate the legacy of a human being dedicated to racial justice and equal rights for all. Dr. King envisioned a world without racism and bigotry, in which peace and tolerance rule. The current landscape of money in politics in America reminds us that Dr. King’s fight for justice
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A tumultuous time for Trump Soho: Free Speech For People leads the campaign to end illegal payments to Trump-owned businesses

Free Speech For People launched in July 2017 a campaign calling for the divestment of public pension funds from Trump owned businesses which were funneling millions of dollars to the Trump Organization in violation of the Domestic Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Following the launch of the campaign, thousands of Californians and New Yorkers joined
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Ron Fein to US News and World Report: There’s No Such Thing As ‘Collusion’

In a new oped published today in US News and World Report, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein discusses the lack of legal meaning, and enforceability, of the word ‘collusion’. “Collusion” is on America’s lips. Cable news personalities say it. The president can’t stop tweeting about it. But every time someone uses the word
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More evidence of Trump’s obstruction of justice in new book by Michael Wolff

Free Speech For People, with organizational partner RootsAction, launched a campaign for an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, based on violations of the Domestic and Foreign Emoluments Clauses of the Constitution. Since that time, we have expanded our grounds for impeachment to include obstruction of justice, following the firing of
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Free Speech For People Seeking Legal Interns for Summer 2018

Come join the campaign to reclaim democracy for the people. Free Speech For People, a national nonpartisan nonprofit organization, was founded in 2010 after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision.  We’re working to renew our democracy and reclaim our Constitution for We the People, not big money and corporate interests, and to challenge
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CSPAN: Tom Steyer & FSFP on Impeachment

On the same day Rep. Al Green introduced Articles of Impeachment, our legal experts joined Tom Steyer at the National Press Club to make the legal case why we need an impeachment investigation of President Trump.
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