Latest Developments

FEC Commissioner Ann Ravel: Debate For Democracy

In an oped published to US News & World Report, FEC Commissioner Ann Ravel says that the first presidential debate “offers a signature moment” to “address people’s concerns about the state of our representative democracy.”
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Join FSFP & Ben Cohen TODAY For A Special Facebook Live Event

Today! Don’t miss the chance to ask Ben Cohen your questions about democracy reform, stamping money out of politics, and how he’s working to #FightBigMoney. Tune in to our Facebook page at 9p EST/6p PST for our live chat. You can ask your questions in the comments section.
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The Recorder: Push is on for political finance reform

The Recorder in Greenfield, Massachusetts covers the campaign finance reform efforts across the country, from an anti-corruption measure in Washington State to local political reform efforts in Massachusetts. Free Speech For People President, John Bonifaz, discusses in the article the cross-partisan push to challenge money in politics and the success of the movement to overturn Citizens United and
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New Voices in Cambridge

On Monday night, I had the privilege to again speak before a committee of the Cambridge (Massachusetts) City Council that is considering public financing for city council elections. Because city councilors all run citywide, the typical cost of a successful city council race is between $30,000 and $60,000, and has nearly doubled since the Massachusetts
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