Category: Democracy Amendments

Bucking Citizens United: Valley Congressman Jim McGovern fights to stem the flood of special interest money in elections.

Maureen Turner

The Valley Advocate

January 29, 2013


"The effort picked up speed quickly, helped along by Powell’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court by Richard Nixon. “Over the following years, a divided Supreme Court … transformed the First Amendment into a powerful tool for corporations seeking to evade democratic control and sidestep sound public welfare measures,” Clements said.

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Maine citizens rally for a constitutional amendment, with bipartisan support

This has been a busy week, with the McGovern bills being introduced and with our White House petition hitting the 25k threshold.

Another big deal this week was a rally in Augusta, Maine, organized by our friends at Maine Citizens For Clean Elections, in support of a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Our co-founder and President, Jeff Clements, participated, and there was a terrific turnout. The campaign for an amendment is well underway in Maine, with bipartisan support.

Here are excerpts from a few great press clips on it:

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Groups Energized by Amendments to Overturn Citizens United, Bipartisan Support, Enthusiastic “Netroots” Response

For Immediate Release
January 23, 2012

Groups Energized by Introduction of Constitutional Amendments to Overturn Citizens United

As Grassroots Movement Grows, Amendments Receive Bipartisan Support, Enthusiastic “Netroots” Response

Washington, DC. – Free Speech For People joined with others in applauding yesterday’s introduction in Congress of two Constitutional amendments bills to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. FEC.

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