Category: Challenging Corruption

Coalition Of National Organizations Declares Any Trump Nomination To Supreme Court Illegitimate Following Death Of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

September 18, 2020 — Following the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Free Speech For People and a coalition of national organizations released tonight this joint statement: “Any Trump nomination to the Supreme Court this year would be illegitimate and must be rejected.” See the list of all signatories to this statement here.
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New report: President Trump’s Commutation of Roger Stone’s Criminal Sentence Violated the Faithful Execution Clauses of the U.S. Constitution

The President’s constitutional power to pardon (or to commute) is broad, but it is not absolute. Rather, it is limited by the text of the Constitution, including, for example, the Equal Protection Clause and the First Amendment, and, most relevant here, Article II’s Faithful Execution Clauses, which established legal constraints on the Executive similar to
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New Revelations from Manhattan DA Show Why New York Attorney General Should Revoke Trump Organization’s Corporate Charter

New revelations from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance demonstrate why it is more important than ever for New York State Attorney General Letitia James to begin proceedings to dissolve the Trump Organization. Background In 2019, the New York County District Attorney’s Office—acting on behalf of a grand jury—served a subpoena duces tecum on Mazars USA,
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FSFP Board Chair Ben Clements Authors New Oped on How the House Could Stop Trump’s Unconstitutional Use of Federal Paramilitary Officials In U.S Cities.

FSFP Board Chair Ben Clements recently authored an Oped about how The House of Representatives could stop Trump’s unconstitutional use of federal paramilitary officials in U.S cities. “Trump’s use of these federal agencies to turn our country into a police state is not only unconstitutional. It is straight out of the playbook of the fascist
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“Trump has abused the pardon power in violation of the Constitution.”: FSFP Board Chair Ben Clements On Trump’s Unconstitutional Commutation Of Roger Stone’s Prison Sentence.

FSFP Board Chair Ben Clements recently authored an Oped on Trump’s unconstitutional commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence. The new piece comes after Free Speech For People filed a motion before the federal district court in U.S. v. Stone on behalf of constitutional law Professors Jed Shugerman and Ethan Leib seeking permission to submit an
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FSFP Board Chair Ben Clements Joins The BradCast To Discuss Trump’s Unconstitutional Commutation of Roger Stone’s Prison Sentence.

FSFP Board Chair and Senior Legal Advisor Ben Clements recently appeared on The BradCast to discuss Trump’s unconstitutional commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence and the implications of this latest abuse of the presidential pardon power. “The notion that the presidential pardon power or any other presidential power is absolute is just flat out wrong
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Free Speech For People Seeks to File Amicus Brief in U.S. v. Stone on Behalf of Constitutional Law Professors

Free Speech For People just filed an urgent motion before the federal district court in U.S. v. Stone on behalf of constitutional law Professors Jed Shugerman and Ethan Leib seeking permission to submit an amicus brief arguing that the court should not automatically accept the executive grant of clemency but rather should consider whether it
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FSFP Board Member Jennifer Taub Co-Authors New Oped on Trump’s Commutation of Roger Stone’s Prison Sentence and the Case for Reconvening an Impeachment Inquiry.

FSFP Board Member Professor Jennifer Taub recently co-authored a CNN Oped on Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence and the need for Congress to convene an impeachment inquiry to hold Trump accountable for his abuse of power. “If 20 Republican senators were to state that Stone’s bribery-tinged commutation is too much for them at
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FSFP urges House Judiciary Committee to convene an impeachment inquiry following Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence

Free Speech For People issued a letter today to Committee Chairman Nadler and Vice Chairwoman Scanlon of the House Judiciary Committee, urging the Committee to convene an impeachment inquiry immediately to investigate whether to recommend articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump for commuting the prison sentence of his longtime ally, Roger Stone. Mr.
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“This president is no friend of democracy”: Bill Moyers tackles authoritarianism in the age of Donald Trump.

Excerpt from Bill Moyers’ essay We Hold This Truth to Be Self-Evident: It’s Happening Before Our Very Eyes. At 98, historian Bernard Weisberger has seen it all. Born in 1922, he grew up watching newsreels of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler as they rose to power in Europe. He vividly remembers Mussolini posturing to crowds
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