Latest Developments

Democrats Embrace ‘McCutcheon’ Decision

Despite ongoing criticism of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC, Senate Democrats now embrace a big-money fundraising tool, made possible by the court’s decision. The new “jumbo” fundraising committee of choice for Democrats is the Grassroots Victory Project 2014, and it’s their first major entry into the realm of massive campaign contributions.
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Free Speech For People has filed an amicus brief in New York Republican State Committee v. SEC

Free Speech For People has filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in support of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s anti-“pay-to-play” rule for investment advisers, which prevents investment advisers from receiving management fees from public funds when they’ve given political contributions to the elected officials who influence the
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A Look at 2014 Election Spending: Nine Toss-Up Senate Races

Control of the US Senate is at play in the 2014 election, which means tight races and tremendous spending from outside groups. Outside spending in the top nine Senate races in 2014 is almost equal to spending in all 37 races in 2010. Half of the independent spending in the top nine races comes from
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Why the US Chamber of Commerce is Wrong on Citizens United

(Photo:Kaeun Yu/ Talk Radio News)  Read the latest op-ed from Jeffrey Clements, author and co-founder of Free Speech For People. The op-ed, published August 15,2014 to TruthOut begins: “On July 12, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a 28th Amendment that would overturn Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and once again allow the states and
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How a Republican Feels About Money in Politics

We spoke with an UNH Law Student about his thoughts regarding big money in politics and Citizens United. Watch his response in our latest video, How A Republican Feels About Money In Politics. Last year, Free Speech For People released a report highlighting more than 100 Republican officials who support a constitutional amendment to overturn
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Make Your Movement

  When Jessica Sharp of Maryland heard the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United, she refused to accept her daughter would grow up in an America where the voices of everyday people no longer count. She went online to and was motivated to take action on her own to help restore democracy to the
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New Edition of “Corporations Are Not People: Reclaiming Democracy From Big Money And Global Corporations”

The new, updated edition of “Corporations Are Not People: Reclaiming Democracy From Big Money And Global Corporations” is available now for purchase. Free Speech For People co-founder, Jeff Clements authored the book as a resource for everyone to join in on the historic work to re-engage with self-government and to reclaim democracy from big money
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Crony capitalism alive with Ex-Im Bank

Ron Fein and Tom Bacon of Free Speech For People take on “crony capitalism” in a new op-ed published today in The Hill. In Congress, a fight continues over whether to renew the charter of the Export/Import Bank, which Fein describes as, “an obscure government agency that supports the purchase of American products overseas with taxpayer-backed
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Historic vote in the US Senate on the Democracy For All Amendment is now set for September 8, 2014!

Before adjourning for a five-week recess, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) filed cloture on the motion to proceed with S.J. Res. 19, also known as the Democracy For All Amendment. The amendment aims to overturn the two recent Supreme Court rulings of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The
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