Latest Developments

Spending on Maine elections has grown by millions of dollars since the Citizens United decision

A recent article in the Bangor Daily News highlights the skyrocketing campaign expenditures that have flooded the state’s elections since the 2010 Citizens United ruling. The article uses new data from Maine Citizen’s For Clean Elections report, The Shell Game – How Independent Expenditures Have Invaded Maine Since Citizens United.

It reads,  

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New Poll Shows 97% Want To End Corruption in Politics

According to new poll results from Represent.Us, 90% of respondents said they’d support a law that imposes tough new campaign finance laws. When “campaign finance” was changed to “corruption,” that figure rose to 97%, with 72% saying they would strongly support such laws.

Their poll results show that the issue is bi-partisan, with 82% of Democrats and 83% of Republicans saying reducing corruption is important.

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Ways To Give Back On #GivingTuesday

On December 3rd, Free Speech For People is taking part in an exciting new event called #GivingTuesday, the day of giving where families, organizations, individuals, businesses, students and more come together to support the causes they are passionate about.

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The Supreme Court Justices Agree to Hear Hobby Lobby Case

The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it would hear the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. The case involves craft store chain Hobby Lobby and the requirement under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare”) that all health insurance plans provide contraceptive coverage at no separate cost.

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Senator Elizabeth Warren Joins Udall Amendment Bill To Limit Campaign Spending in Elections

Yesterday, on November 20th, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) (MA) officially joined Senator Udall’s Amendment bill as a co-sponsor. Udall’s bill would restore the authority of Congress and the states to limit campaign spending in elections. A previous introduction of the bill by Sen. Udall had 25 U.S. Senate co-sponsors. Senator Edward Markey (D) (MA) also joined late last month on October 28th.

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Recently filed tax returns shed light on some of the dark money that flooded the 2012 campaign season

Newly filed tax returns are shedding light on some of the dark money that flooded the 2012 campaign season, and to no surprise, since the 2010 Citizens United ruling, this number has only increased. One particular group, American For Prosperity (the main political arm of the Koch brothers) dumped 122 million dollars into advocacy efforts.
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Even the DC super lobbyists are saying it, money in politics is a problem.

Wednesday, as part of a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA), “We Are DC Super Lobbyists,” Quinn Gillespie Associates (a top lobbying shop in DC) President John Feehery and Chairman Jack Quinn discussed the role money plays in the current political system. Quinn wrote, “I happen to believe that the role of money in American politics is a very significant problem, some would say it has reached the point of being a cancer on our democracy.”

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