Latest Developments

Two Ohio Communities Vote ‘No’ on Corporate Money in Politics & on Citizens United

Voters passed local ordinances on Tuesday informing their elected leaders that they want a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to curb corporate power, and ending the practice of political contributions being the equivalent of free speech.  Read more on the story here.

Congrats to our friends at Move To Amend for their work on helping to pass these measures!

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Outside Money Saturating Boston Mayoral Race

The 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court case allows outside groups to give unlimited contributions in federal, state, and local races. Since its passing, there has been an influx in outside spending in mayoral races in major cities including New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, and now in Boston.

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Important New Report Details Corporate Contributions to U.S. Chamber of Commerce

An important new report from our friends at Public Citizen sheds light on the voluntary disclosure of campaign contributions from 24 corporations totaling $8,750.000 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The report finds that while these 24 (which are listed in full in the report) have disclosed their amounts, there are still countless more whose identities are still unvailable to the public.

The report reads:

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Al Gore: “Corporations are not persons. Money is not speech.”

In a recent Bloomberg Businessweek interview, Former U.S Vice President Al Gore explains the role money and special interest groups play in politics saying, “Money plays the dominant role in politics today.”

Gore also stated that, "Corporations are not persons. Money is not speech. Big anonymous contributors should not call the shots."

To watch the full interview click here.

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