Latest Developments

Tell Mitch McConnell: We need election security!

In 2016, Russia interfered with our elections to help elect Donald Trump. According to multiple current and former officials, foreign powers are already attempting to meddle in the 2020 election as well. And our election systems across the country remain vulnerable. Yet, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently blocked two bills meant to safeguard our
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#ImpeachNow: New Development In The Case Against Kavanaugh

In a heartwrenching story over the weekend, the New York Times revealed new details in Deborah Ramirez’s sexual misconduct allegation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. In the article, journalists Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly reported that the FBI failed to interview any of the 25 witnesses named in the Deborah Ramirez case, ignoring her story during
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EPA rolls back clean water protections, and Trump’s golf courses stand to benefit

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers finalized a rollback of clean water protections. The rollback will mean higher profits for many private golf courses. And in the case of President Trump’s golf courses, that violates the Constitution. Background The details of the regulation are somewhat complicated. The federal Clean Water Act
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Public Interest Groups Leading On Impeachment: House Majority Must Commit To Real Action On Impeachment By November

Free Speech For People, By the People, CREDO Action, Courage Campaign, Democracy For America, Mainers for Accountable Leadership, and March for Truth released the following statement after the House Judiciary Committee’s vote to formalize its impeachment probe today: President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our republic.  On an almost daily basis,
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Read Ben Clements And Ron Fein’s Latest Article On The Ongoing Impeachment Investigation

Read Ben Clements and Ron Fein’s latest article in Jurist.  They argue that, months after the Mueller testimony, it’s time for Congress to broaden the scope of its investigation and set an early deadline for a vote on impeachment in the House of Representatives. “The Mueller Report describes a damning pattern of encouraging illegal foreign
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Washington State PDC Issues Letter To Support Seattle’s Defend Our Democracy Ordinance

SEATTLE, WA (September 10, 2019) — The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission has issued a letter to the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission to support the goals of the Defend our Democracy ordinance that would abolish super PACs and prohibit spending by foreign-influenced corporations in local elections. The proposed legislation, presented last month to the
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Election Security Experts Condemn Pennsylvania Secretary of State’s Re-Examination of Voting Machines

Secretary of State Boockvar announced today that her office has completed a mandatory re-examination of the ES&S ExpressVote XL electronic voting machine following a petition on behalf of registered electors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania indicating that the new voting machines fail to meet election standards set by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and listing ten
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We are closer to impeachment than ever before

We co-launched our campaign for impeachment proceedings against President Trump on the day he took office two and a half years ago.  Not because it was politically expedient or popular, but because it was the right thing to do.   Now, thanks to your support and the growing public demand around the country, we’re closer than
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FSFP & Allies Issue Letter Urging Congress To Hold Hearings On Election Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 28, 2019)  – Following the findings in a recently released report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), a coalition of government watchdog organizations, including Free Speech For People, FreedomWorks, National Election Defense Coalition and Public Citizen, sent a letter to the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on
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Another high-ranking House rep announces support for impeachment

Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), the Assistant Speaker of the House and fourth-highest-ranking House Democrat, has officially come out in support of an impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Rep. Luján’s support brings significant power to the ever-growing impeachment movement, with 130 Members of Congress and more than half of the Democratic caucus now favoring an
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