Latest Developments

New Development In Petition To Re-Examine ES&S ExpressVoteXL Voting Machines

Last month, Citizens for Better Elections, Free Speech For People, National Election Defense Coalition, and Protect Our Vote Philly petitioned the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on behalf of Pennsylvania voters to re-examine the ES&S ExpressVote XL voting machine due to concerns about security, privacy, verifiability, and accessibility. The Secretary agreed to act expeditiously
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#WeCantWait: Next Steps on Impeachment

Free Speech For People was proud to support CREDO Action which led a demonstration of activists Wednesday evening demanding Nancy Pelosi begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump now.  Protestors confronted the Speaker during a fundraiser hosted by the San Francisco Democratic Party honoring her with a “lifetime achievement award” for her “commitment to fighting for
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Your August Impeachment Brief

The House Judiciary Committee made a major announcement in a federal court filing at the end of July. The Committee is officially investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment against President Trump. The House rules authorize the Judiciary Committee to begin the impeachment process this way–in fact, it’s exactly how the Nixon impeachment inquiry began.
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Next steps in Lieu v. Federal Election Commission, the case that could end super PACs

In 2016, Free Speech For People, on behalf of a bipartisan coalition of Members of Congress and 2016 congressional candidates, filed a lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission to abolish super PACs.  The lawsuit, filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., seeks the reversal of the 2010 ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals
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House Judiciary Seeks Complete Review of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Records

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) who chairs the Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet, recently sent a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration requesting that it complete its review and release records of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s service at the White House from 2001 to
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Coalition Launches New Initiative To Educate Citizens On Impeachment

Free Speech for People and coalition partners MoveOn, Need to Impeach, Indivisible, By the People and March for Truth are supporting the launch of a new initiative modeled after the #MuellerBookClub called Impeachment University.  The project involves a weekly webinar where legal experts, political analysts, commentators, lawmakers and activists educate everyday citizens on the law
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Together We Rise: A Look At Our Recent Accomplishments

Free Speech For People has made huge progress on the road to a democracy that truly represents the people. We’re at a turning point in our nation’s history and we’re doubling down to seize this historic moment.  We need your help to continue preserving and protecting our democracy. This and future generations deserve a country
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Impeachment Coalition Issues Letter to House Judiciary Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 30, 2019) – A broad coalition of advocacy groups submitted a letter to the House Judiciary Committee this afternoon expressing concerns with the timeline, scope, and public strategy regarding its impeachment inquiry.  Last week, the Judiciary Committee explained in a federal court filing that the committee “is conducting an investigation to determine
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What Did the Mueller Hearings Accomplish? Ron Fein Explains.

Following Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s televised testimony to Congress, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein appeared on Rising Up With Sonali to discuss what these hearings accomplished, as well as the ongoing Constitutional argument for the impeachment of President Trump. “The evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors has been staring us in the
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