Latest Developments

Indigenous Peoples Day 2018 and the Blackout in Puerto Rico

Free Speech For People observes the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day. In honor of this day, we are re-posting our July 2018 report, prepared with United for a Fair Economy, on Blackout in Puerto Rico: How 120 years of corporate dominance and political inequality stifles self-determination today. The report discusses the history of
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Newsweek: Impeach Brett Kavanaugh Petition Starts Immediately After He’s Officially Voted onto Supreme Court

Free Speech For People launched a campaign to impeach Justice Brett Kavanaugh on September 9, 2018, following evidence emerging of Kavanaugh committing perjury before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. We have since expanded the grounds for impeachment to include credible allegations of sexual assault and bringing the judiciary into disrepute. Newsweek covered our campaign today,
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FSFP to Federal Election Commission: Don’t Allow Unlimited Bitcoin Contributions

Today, Free Speech For People asked the Federal Election Commission to reject a request for an advisory opinion from a company called OsiaNetwork LLC that would allow unlimited campaign contributions in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. OsiaNetwork is proposing that donors could lend unlimited amounts of computer processing power to the company for “mining” cryptocurrency, which could then
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Letitia James, John Bonifaz, and Shanna Cleveland in the Gotham Gazette: Closing the Door on Foreign Money in New York City Elections

In an opinion piece for the Gotham Gazette, Free Speech For People President John Bonifaz and Senior Counsel Shanna Cleveland join New York City Public Advocate Letitia James in calling for New York City to close the loophole that allows foreign entities to leverage ownership stakes in corporations to spend money in city elections. Free
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Summer 2019 legal internships at Free Speech For People

Come join the campaign to reclaim democracy for the people! Free Speech For People, a national nonpartisan nonprofit organization, was founded in 2010 after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision.  We’re working to renew our democracy and reclaim our Constitution for We the People, not big money and corporate interests, and to challenge President
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The Nation: Brett Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached

In an article in The Nation, John Nichols cited our campaign calling on Congress to launch impeachment proceedings against Judge Brett Kavanaugh for committing perjury. Nichols discusses the background of the call for impeachment proceedings. He details how, during his confirmation hearings in 2004 and 2006, Kavanaugh was questioned regarding an incident in which private
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Key Win in the Fight Against Corporate Corruption in Politics

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently upheld one of the Commonwealth’s most critical tools in protecting the integrity of its elections: a century-old ban on corporate contributions to state and local candidates. In reaching its decision in 1A Auto v. Sullivan, the court noted that its ruling would be consistent with Supreme Court precedent, every Federal
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Ron Fein Joins Congressman Al Green for ‘Impeachment: A Necessary Remedy for Bigotry in Policy”

Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein joined Congressman Al Green and Distinguished Professor of History at American University, Allan Lichtman, on September 13, 2018, at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference for the special forum, “Impeachment: A Necessary Remedy for Bigotry in Policy”.  The panelists discussed the threat posed to our democracy
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Ron Fein and the 28th Amendment in The Legal Eagle

You’re never too young to learn about money in politics! Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein was recently quoted in the New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s publication for children, The Legal Eagle. The newspaper provides legal news and stories to kids, grade five and above. The Fall 2018 issue is a special voting
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