Latest Developments

WBUR Boston: Massachusetts High Court Upholds Ban On Corporate Campaign Donations

On September 6, 2018, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court unanimously upheld a state law banning corporations from making contributions to candidates and political committees. The law was challenged by corporations claiming the ban violated their free speech rights, and was, therefore, unconstitutional. Free Speech For People was honored to join Common Cause in submitting a
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BREAKING: Free Speech For People Calls on Congress to Launch an Impeachment Investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Committing Perjury

Evidence has emerged that Judge Brett Kavanaugh lied repeatedly under oath to the US Senate Judiciary Committee in his 2004 and 2006 confirmation hearings to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit and in his 2018 confirmation hearings to serve on the US Supreme Court.  Kavanaugh should face impeachment proceedings for
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Ron Fein on the Washington State #Indivisible Podcast

On August 30, Ron Fein, Free Speech For People Legal Director and co-author of The Constitution Demands It, sat down with The Washington State #Indivisible Podcast to discuss the book and impeachment proceedings against President Trump. From podcast host, Stephan Cox, “In our wide-ranging discussion, we talk about what the framers intended with impeachment, and
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Free Speech For People Calls on the New York Attorney General to Dissolve Trump’s Company and Revoke Its Corporate Charter

Free Speech For People announced today that it delivered a letter to New York State Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood on August 24, 2018, calling for an investigation into whether to revoke the corporate charter of the Trump Organization under a New York law that authorizes her to dissolve a corporation for persistently illegal conduct
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FSFP Answers SF Ethics Commission Call for Comments

San Francisco has long been on the front lines of advancing campaign finance reforms. The city boasts an impressive public financing program, and has been recognized as a leader for its disclosure requirements. Still, outside money has poured into local elections at increasing rates since the federal appeals court decision, SpeechNow v. FEC, opened the floodgates
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Ron Fein for Democracy Now: Impeachment is Overdue

Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein joined Congressman Al Green and Democracy Now to discuss the  latest in the legal case for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, including our newest ground for impeachment, illegal hush money payments made in violation of the Federal Campaign Finance Act at the request of Trump,
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In the News: Our New Book, ‘The Constitution Demands It’

Our new book The Constitution Demands It: The Case for the Impeachment of Donald Trump, was released Tuesday, August 14th. You can purchase the book now here. The book was written by Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein, Co-Founder and President John Bonifaz, and Chair of the Board of Directors Ben Clements, with a
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