Category: Democracy Amendments

New Jersey is now the 9th state to call for an amendment

New Jersey today became the ninth state to call for a Constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrous Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. Its resolution, AR 86, was passed in the Assembly in a bipartisan vote of 50 to 22.

John Bonifaz, executive director of Free Speech For People, made the following statement:

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Romney agrees: “We’ve got to get the money out of the teachers unions going into campaigns.”

It’s being widely reported that Mitt Romney yesterday called for limits on campaign spending by teachers’ unions. A blog post at The Nation puts this succinctly in perspective.

The constitutional amendments we support would even-handedly enable the elimination of politcal contributions from for-profit corporations, incorporated non-profits, and incorporated labor unions alike. (For more on this, see our analysis of various bills here.)

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