Category: Challenging Foreign Influence

To Help Protect The Democracy For The People Act, Free Speech For People Files Motion To Intervene

Free Speech For People, on behalf of Clean Elections Minnesota, defends against challenge to law banning political spending by foreign-influenced corporations. ST. PAUL, MN (August 25, 2023) – Free Speech For People, on behalf of Clean Elections Minnesota, today filed court papers to intervene in a corporate lobby’s lawsuit seeking to block enforcement of Minnesota’s
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New CAP Report Covers Nationwide Momentum to Ban Foreign-Influenced Corporate Spending in Elections

Our democracy is meant to serve the American people, not foreign interests. As the Center for American Progress (CAP) states in a report published this week, foreign investors now own a staggering 40 percent of U.S. corporate stock. Ninety-eight percent of S&P 500 companies are at least 5 percent foreign-owned. The ability of these investors
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Minnesota becomes first state in the nation to pass legislation prohibiting foreign-influenced corporations from spending money in elections

The Minnesota Senate passed the Democracy for the People Act on Wednesday, which includes a provision that prohibits foreign-influenced corporate spending in state and local elections. The bill now moves to the Governor who has pledged to sign it into law. MINNEAPOLIS, MN (April 26, 2023) – The Minnesota Senate voted today to pass major
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In Bid to Be First-in-the-Nation, Minnesota House Votes to Bar Multinational Corporations from Interfering in State Elections

The Minnesota House of Representatives passed the Democracy for the People Act on Thursday, which includes a provision that will effectively ban foreign-influenced corporate spending in state and local elections. The bill now moves to the state senate.  MINNEAPOLIS, MN (April 12, 2023) – The Minnesota House of Representatives voted today to pass a landmark
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Voting Rights Groups Will Challenge Massachusetts Attorney General’s Rejection of Ballot Initiative Petition to End Super PACs

The Massachusetts Attorney General’s office has rejected a ballot initiative petition submitted by two nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations, Equal Citizens ( and Free Speech For People ( that would end super PACs in Massachusetts state and local elections by limiting contributions to them to $5,000 per year. In rejecting the initiative, the Attorney General’s office adopted
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VIDEO: The Ongoing Campaign to End Foreign-Influenced Corporate Spending in U.S. Elections.

The campaign to end foreign-influenced corporate spending in our elections continues to grow across the country! Our new video highlights the ongoing fight to advance our model legislation to prohibit foreign-influenced corporate spending in federal, state and local elections. The video features Congressman Jamie Raskin and leaders in New York State, Seattle, and California who
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Bill to Protect the Integrity of California Elections from Foreign Influence Passes Out of Elections Committee

Yesterday, AB 1819, the “Stop Foreign Influence in California Elections Act” passed out of the Elections Committee and is now headed to the Appropriations Committee. The bill prohibits foreign-influenced corporations from contributing to candidates, parties, or committees (including super PACs) in order to protect the integrity of California’s self-governance. We are honored to support Assemblymember
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The Democracy Preservation Act would be the first statewide ban on foreign-influenced corporate spending in elections ALBANY, NY – A coalition of more than 25 democracy reform advocacy organizations sent a letter to the New York State Assembly today, urging Assemblymembers to pass the Democracy Preservation Act (A.7458a) to end foreign-influenced corporate spending in state
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FSFP Senior Counsel Courtney Hostetler and Michele Sutter Co-Author New Oped on Bill Seeking to Ban Multinational Corporations From Spending Money in California Elections.

Cal Matters recently published a new op-ed by FSFP Senior Counsel Courtney Hostetler and Money Out Voters In Co-Founder Michele Sutter on a new bill that seeks to ban multinational corporations from spending money in California elections. The following is an excerpt from the new piece: The Citizens United ruling created a loophole to foreign
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