Democracy by the People

A legal symposium co-sponsored by Seton Hall University School of Law and Free Speech For People Friday, April 1, 2016 9am – 4:45pm8:30am Continental Breakfast Seton Hall University School of LawNewark, New Jersey This symposium will bring together leading scholars from across the country to help develop new thinking and proposed solutions for overhauling our nation’s campaign finance
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A legal symposium co-sponsored by Seton Hall University School of Law and Free Speech For People Friday, April 1, 2016 9am – 4:45pm8:30am Continental Breakfast Seton Hall University School of LawNewark, New Jersey This symposium will bring together leading scholars from across the country to help develop new thinking and proposed solutions for overhauling our nation’s campaign finance
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2015: A Year Of Moving Democracy Forward

We are thrilled to share with you all that you have made possible in 2015, from success in the courts to expanding the constitutional amendment movement in the states – all of which we could not have done without you.
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We are thrilled to share with you all that you have made possible in 2015, from success in the courts to expanding the constitutional amendment movement in the states – all of which we could not have done without you.
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Hey Chevron, Oil and Democracy Don’t Mix

In 2014, Chevron dumped more than $3 million into municipal elections in a town of 107,000 in an attempt to select pro-industry candidates to the City Council and mayor’s office. Chevron’s efforts to “buy Richmond’s election” caught national media attention, while grassroots organizations quickly mobilized to counteract the spending, but there’s more to this story than just trying to
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In 2014, Chevron dumped more than $3 million into municipal elections in a town of 107,000 in an attempt to select pro-industry candidates to the City Council and mayor’s office. Chevron’s efforts to “buy Richmond’s election” caught national media attention, while grassroots organizations quickly mobilized to counteract the spending, but there’s more to this story than just trying to
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Legal Director Ron Fein Joins Release Of New MASSPIRG-Demos Report On “The Money Chase”

Today on the steps of Ashburton Place in Boston, a host of public interest organizations gathered for the release of a new report documenting the dominance of big money in the November 2014 Congressional elections. Authored by MASSPIRG and Demos, the report calls for solutions moving big money dominance to small donors.
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Today on the steps of Ashburton Place in Boston, a host of public interest organizations gathered for the release of a new report documenting the dominance of big money in the November 2014 Congressional elections. Authored by MASSPIRG and Demos, the report calls for solutions moving big money dominance to small donors.
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Money in Politics and the ‘Real’ Issues We Face

Marge Baker, Executive Vice President for Policy and Program, People For the American Way & People For the American Way Foundation is featured today on The Huffington Post speaking of the 'real' issues we face following this week's Senate vote.
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Marge Baker, Executive Vice President for Policy and Program, People For the American Way & People For the American Way Foundation is featured today on The Huffington Post speaking of the ‘real’ issues we face following this week’s Senate vote.
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Free Speech For People Statement on the Senate Vote

The United States Senate engaged in an historic vote on the Senate floor on the Democracy For All Amendment (S.J. Res. 19), which would allow for overall campaign spending limits and would end the big money dominance of our elections. Fifty-four US Senators voted in support of the amendment.
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The United States Senate engaged in an historic vote on the Senate floor on the Democracy For All Amendment (S.J. Res. 19), which would allow for overall campaign spending limits and would end the big money dominance of our elections. Fifty-four US Senators voted in support of the amendment.
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Hobby Lobby Ruling Fuels Amendment Push

A recent article in Roll Call, Hobby Lobby Ruling Fuels Amendment Push, highlights the national amendment movement to overturn Citizens United. The article also features a quote from Free Speech For People President, John Bonifaz. It begins: In its recent ruling to confer religious liberties on closely held corporations, the Supreme Court makes no mention of its 2010 Citizens United v.
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A recent article in Roll Call, Hobby Lobby Ruling Fuels Amendment Push, highlights the national amendment movement to overturn Citizens United. The article also features a quote from Free Speech For People President, John Bonifaz. It begins: In its recent ruling to confer religious liberties on closely held corporations, the Supreme Court makes no mention of its 2010 Citizens United v.
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Senator Markey on SCOTUS Hobby Lobby Decision: Damaging for Women’s Health and Constitutional Rights

Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the a statement today after the Supreme Court ruled that for-profit “closely held” corporations with religious objections have the right to deny providing contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
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Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the a statement today after the Supreme Court ruled that for-profit “closely held” corporations with religious objections have the right to deny providing contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
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New York Lobby Day Is Needed More Than Ever In Light Of New Super-PAC Ruling

A federal judge on Thursday struck down New York's limits on donations to independent political action committees as unconstitutional. Judge Crotty's reasoning, as reported by Reuters, is this:

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A federal judge on Thursday struck down New York’s limits on donations to independent political action committees as unconstitutional. Judge Crotty’s reasoning, as reported by Reuters, is this:

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