The Supreme Court Just Gave You One More Reason to Join the Clean Elections Movement

In a recent article from Yes Magazine! Writer Fran Korten highlights the fact that now, more than ever, is reason to join in the movement to fight against the corporate take over democracy.

She writes,

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In a recent article from Yes Magazine! Writer Fran Korten highlights the fact that now, more than ever, is reason to join in the movement to fight against the corporate take over democracy.

She writes,

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Local Ballots Matter!

Check out this new video we created of Ellen R. from New Hampshire. In the video, she takes on her town council and effectively turns a "No" into a "Yes" about getting a local resolution passed to overturn Citizens United and get big money out of politics. 

Click below to watch.

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Check out this new video we created of Ellen R. from New Hampshire. In the video, she takes on her town council and effectively turns a "No" into a "Yes" about getting a local resolution passed to overturn Citizens United and get big money out of politics. 

Click below to watch.

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Why Supporting Free Speech For People Matters

We have some pretty exciting news to tell you about. We recently learned that an anonymous foundation donor has awarded Free Speech For People a $500,000 matching grant to help build our new Legal Advocacy Program. This means that any donations we receive in support of this new initiative will be matched dollar for dollar by this donor. Click here to donate and learn more.

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We have some pretty exciting news to tell you about. We recently learned that an anonymous foundation donor has awarded Free Speech For People a $500,000 matching grant to help build our new Legal Advocacy Program. This means that any donations we receive in support of this new initiative will be matched dollar for dollar by this donor. Click here to donate and learn more.

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New Hampshire State Senate using “Washington-style tactics” to block consideration of bill passed by State House

New Hampshire's State House approved HCR 2, a resolution calling for a cosntitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, with overwhelming, bi-partisan support last month.

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New Hampshire’s State House approved HCR 2, a resolution calling for a cosntitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, with overwhelming, bi-partisan support last month.

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In bipartisan vote, Montana Senate calls for an amendment

On February 27th, the Montana State Senate voted to approve State Senate Joint Resolution 19, "encouraging Montana's elected and appointed state and federal officials to work to amend the constitution... to overturn... Citizens United...". Eight Republican State Senators (Ron Arthun, Edward Buttrey, Jennifer Fielder, Llew Jones, Alan Olson, Scott Sales, Bruce Tutvedt, and Chas Vincent) joined Democrats in supporting the measure.

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On February 27th, the Montana State Senate voted to approve State Senate Joint Resolution 19, "encouraging Montana’s elected and appointed state and federal officials to work to amend the constitution… to overturn… Citizens United…". Eight Republican State Senators (Ron Arthun, Edward Buttrey, Jennifer Fielder, Llew Jones, Alan Olson, Scott Sales, Bruce Tutvedt, and Chas Vincent) joined Democrats in supporting the measure.

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California Poised To Become Largest Electorate To Vote On Constitutional Amendment

Below are excerpts from an article in the Huffington Post today. California's legislature has already passed a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.

Citizens United: California Poised To Become Largest Electorate To Vote On Constitutional Amendment

California voters are poised to become the largest electorate to decide whether to support a constitutional amendment that would overturn the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling.

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Below are excerpts from an article in the Huffington Post today. California’s legislature has already passed a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.

Citizens United: California Poised To Become Largest Electorate To Vote On Constitutional Amendment

California voters are poised to become the largest electorate to decide whether to support a constitutional amendment that would overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.

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Select 2010-2012 Amendment Bills

2012 Amendment Bills Which of the 13 Amendment Bills Now in Play in Congress We Support, and Why Read the text of H.J. Res 100, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Read the text of H.J. Res 111, introduced by Congressman Adam Schiff. 2011 Amendment Bills Read the text of H.J. Res 88, the People’s Rights Amendment,
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2012 Amendment Bills Which of the 13 Amendment Bills Now in Play in Congress We Support, and Why Read the text of H.J. Res 100, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Read the text of H.J. Res 111, introduced by Congressman Adam Schiff. 2011 Amendment Bills Read the text of H.J. Res 88, the People’s Rights Amendment,
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Voting Rights and Money Out of Politics Movements Form Historic Democracy Coalition

Miles Mogulescu has good piece up on Huffington Post covering the signficance of this weekend's events, which we are co-sponsoring, jointly remembering the Citizens United anniversary and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Here it is:

Voting Rights and Money Out of Politics Movements Form Historic Democracy Coalition
Posted: 01/18/2013 4:16 pm

American democracy is under threat from two powerful sources:

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Miles Mogulescu has good piece up on Huffington Post covering the signficance of this weekend’s events, which we are co-sponsoring, jointly remembering the Citizens United anniversary and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Here it is:

Voting Rights and Money Out of Politics Movements Form Historic Democracy Coalition
Posted: 01/18/2013 4:16 pm

American democracy is under threat from two powerful sources:

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