MassLive previews our forthcoming campaign on corporate charter reform

MassLive has an article that discusses in detail our forthcoming campaign to reform state corporate charter laws. Here's an excerpt, below.

Citizens United opponent 'Free Speech for People' wants states to ban companies from political expenditures
By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent
on January 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM Print

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MassLive has an article that discusses in detail our forthcoming campaign to reform state corporate charter laws. Here’s an excerpt, below.

Citizens United opponent ‘Free Speech for People’ wants states to ban companies from political expenditures
By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent
on January 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM Print

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Jeff Clements at Orion magazine blog: “Louder Than a Dollar”

Our co-founder and President, Jeff Clements, wrote the following on Orion magazine's blog, including a touching tribute to the recently deceased Executive Director at the Rainforest Action Network, Becky Tarbotton.

Louder Than a Dollar
January 11, 2013, by Jeff Clements

Here’s a number from the November elections: 0.5.

That’s not a victory margin; it’s a measure of how bad things have gotten in our democracy.

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Our co-founder and President, Jeff Clements, wrote the following on Orion magazine’s blog, including a touching tribute to the recently deceased Executive Director at the Rainforest Action Network, Becky Tarbotton.

Louder Than a Dollar
January 11, 2013, by Jeff Clements

Here’s a number from the November elections: 0.5.

That’s not a victory margin; it’s a measure of how bad things have gotten in our democracy.

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New Jersey is now the 9th state to call for an amendment

New Jersey today became the ninth state to call for a Constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrous Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. Its resolution, AR 86, was passed in the Assembly in a bipartisan vote of 50 to 22.

John Bonifaz, executive director of Free Speech For People, made the following statement:

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New Jersey today became the ninth state to call for a Constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrous Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. Its resolution, AR 86, was passed in the Assembly in a bipartisan vote of 50 to 22.

John Bonifaz, executive director of Free Speech For People, made the following statement:

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Local protest targets business, elections

News & Record - Greensboro, North Carolina

Amanda Lehmert

September 24, 2012

Local advocates have joined a national protest against corporate influence over elections.

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News & Record – Greensboro, North Carolina

Amanda Lehmert

September 24, 2012

Local advocates have joined a national protest against corporate influence over elections.

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8 down, 30 to go: Connecticut becomes 8th state to call for a constitutional amendment.

A majority of Connecticut's state legislators in both chambers -- 88 state representatives and 22 state senators -- have signed a letter calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision.

This makes Connecticut the 8th state to call for an amendment, joining California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Rhode Island and Vermont, which have all passed legislative resolutions, and Maryland, where a majority of legislators have signed a letter similar to this one in Connecticut.

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A majority of Connecticut’s state legislators in both chambers — 88 state representatives and 22 state senators — have signed a letter calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

This makes Connecticut the 8th state to call for an amendment, joining California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Rhode Island and Vermont, which have all passed legislative resolutions, and Maryland, where a majority of legislators have signed a letter similar to this one in Connecticut.

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Massachusetts becomes 7th state to call for a Constitutional Amendment

Late last night, the Massachusetts State House took the historic step of unanimously approving a resolution calling on Congress to overrule the Citizens United decision with a constitutional amendment restoring democracy to the American people.

The State House’s unanimous voice vote last night follows an almost equally overwhelming vote of 35 to 1 in the State Senate to approve a similar resolution last Thursday.

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Late last night, the Massachusetts State House took the historic step of unanimously approving a resolution calling on Congress to overrule the Citizens United decision with a constitutional amendment restoring democracy to the American people.

The State House’s unanimous voice vote last night follows an almost equally overwhelming vote of 35 to 1 in the State Senate to approve a similar resolution last Thursday.

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Reclaim government for the people

Alma Rutgers

Greenwich Time

July 27, 2012

Our Constitution derives its authority from we the people. And we the people are pushing back against Citizens United. We're mounting a vigorous defense against this assault upon the cherished democratic principles enshrined in our Constitution.

Municipalities, states, counties and local groups nationwide are adopting resolutions calling for a 28th amendment to the Constitution. This people's amendment would reverse the effects of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision.

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Alma Rutgers

Greenwich Time

July 27, 2012

Our Constitution derives its authority from we the people. And we the people are pushing back against Citizens United. We’re mounting a vigorous defense against this assault upon the cherished democratic principles enshrined in our Constitution.

Municipalities, states, counties and local groups nationwide are adopting resolutions calling for a 28th amendment to the Constitution. This people’s amendment would reverse the effects of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Montana’s Corrupt Practices Act

Contact: John Bonifaz, 413-253-2700 or 617-529-4611
Date: June 25, 2012
For release: Immediate



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Contact: John Bonifaz, 413-253-2700 or 617-529-4611
Date: June 25, 2012
For release: Immediate



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Victory in Connecticut: a majority of state legislators call on Congress to amend the U.S. constitution.

A majority of Connecticut state legislators has signed onto a letter to Congress "in support of the Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United v. FEC and restore elections to the people." and asking that Congress "firmly establish that money is not speech and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights."

Unlike most other states, Connecticut does not do state resolutions calling for Congressional action, so this letter marks Connecticut's official action calling on Congress to amend the constitution.

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A majority of Connecticut state legislators has signed onto a letter to Congress "in support of the Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United v. FEC and restore elections to the people." and asking that Congress "firmly establish that money is not speech and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights."

Unlike most other states, Connecticut does not do state resolutions calling for Congressional action, so this letter marks Connecticut’s official action calling on Congress to amend the constitution.

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Rep. Jim McGovern responds to George Will’s attack.

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), our champion in Congress, has written this terrific response to George Will's recent column attacking the People's Rights Amendment. Will's attack was originally published in the Washington Post and also syndicated nationwide.
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Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), our champion in Congress, has written this terrific response to George Will’s recent column attacking the People’s Rights Amendment. Will’s attack was originally published in the Washington Post and also syndicated nationwide.
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