Jasmine Gomez: Citizens United, the First Amendment, and the Ballot

Our Democracy Honors Fellow, Jasmine Gomez published an op-ed today to Common Dreams, on "Citizens United, the First Amendment, and the Ballot." In Jasmine's latest piece, she rebuts the critics of a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, and reminds us all of our democracy's aim for "political equality" — that is before the Court's Buckley v. Valeo ruling. Jasmine writes,
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Our Democracy Honors Fellow, Jasmine Gomez published an op-ed today to Common Dreams, on “Citizens United, the First Amendment, and the Ballot.” In Jasmine’s latest piece, she rebuts the critics of a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, and reminds us all of our democracy’s aim for “political equality” — that is before the Court’s Buckley v. Valeo ruling. Jasmine writes,

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YES! Magazine: In New York, Republicans and Democrats Join Forces to Overturn Citizens United

Earlier this month, the US came one step closer to enacting the first constitutional amendment in 24 yrs, when New York state called for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United
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Earlier this month, the US came one step closer to enacting the first constitutional amendment in 24 yrs, when New York state called for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United
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State Resolutions in Support of Amending the Constitution

Across the country, sixteen states have passed resolutions calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Passed Resolutions California AJR 22. Assembly members Weickowski and Allen. Passed on July 7, 2012.  Expresses disagreement with the Citizens United ruling and calls on the United States Congress to pass a constitutional amendment. Click here for the full
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Across the country, sixteen states have passed resolutions calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Passed Resolutions California AJR 22. Assembly members Weickowski and Allen. Passed on July 7, 2012.  Expresses disagreement with the Citizens United ruling and calls on the United States Congress to pass a constitutional amendment. Click here for the full
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The 28th Amendment Reintroduced In 114th Congress On Day Of Citizens United 5th Anniversary

On January 21st—the 5th anniversary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission—more than 100 Senators and Representatives reintroduced a constitutional amendment that would overturn the ruling and restore democracy to the people.
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On January 21st—the 5th anniversary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission—more than 100 Senators and Representatives reintroduced a constitutional amendment that would overturn the ruling and restore democracy to the people.
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Overturn Citizens United and get big money out of politics

In his latest piece in the Orlando Sentinel, Free Speech For People legal director Ron Fein writes, “Who do our politicians represent — their constituents or big funders? Consider the U.S. Sugar Corp. Maybe you share U.S. Sugar’s views about Florida’s tax, agricultural and environmental policies; maybe you don’t. But you didn’t give over $650,000
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In his latest piece in the Orlando Sentinel, Free Speech For People legal director Ron Fein writes, “Who do our politicians represent — their constituents or big funders? Consider the U.S. Sugar Corp. Maybe you share U.S. Sugar’s views about Florida’s tax, agricultural and environmental policies; maybe you don’t. But you didn’t give over $650,000
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Is Nebraska on its way to being the 17th State to call for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United?

Recently proponents to overturn the 2010 Citizens United decision gathered at the State Capitol in Nebraska to demonstrate support for a legislative resolution that asks Congress to overturn the decision with a constitutional amendment.

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Proponents of election spending limits urged Nebraska to join a national effort Thursday to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial Citizens United decision. Four years ago, the high court ruled political spending is a form of free speech.

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Recently proponents to overturn the 2010 Citizens United decision gathered at the State Capitol in Nebraska to demonstrate support for a legislative resolution that asks Congress to overturn the decision with a constitutional amendment.

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Proponents of election spending limits urged Nebraska to join a national effort Thursday to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial Citizens United decision. Four years ago, the high court ruled political spending is a form of free speech.

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Obama: Citizens United Helped Pave the Way to Shutdown

Fran Korten, the executive director of YES Magazine, wrote a new article yesterday to highlight the role of big money in politics and the connections between the 2010 Citizens United case, McCutcheon vs. FEC, and the current government shutdown.

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Fran Korten, the executive director of YES Magazine, wrote a new article yesterday to highlight the role of big money in politics and the connections between the 2010 Citizens United case, McCutcheon vs. FEC, and the current government shutdown.

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Support for Amending the Constitution to Overturn Citizens United is One-Third of the Way There!

Today we celebrate a significant milestone in the campaign for a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in Citizens United. Support for the amendment now stands at one-third of what is needed for victory!
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Today we celebrate a significant milestone in the campaign for a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in Citizens United. Support for the amendment now stands at one-third of what is needed for victory!
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