New Mexico House Votes for a Constitutional Amendment to Over-rule Citizens United

Along with allied groups including Common Cause and the Center for Civic Policy, we won a major victory in New Mexico yesterday, when the State House of Representatives approved a memorial (a.k.a. resolution or bill) calling for a Constitutional Amendment to over-rule Citizens United. Here’s the story from our friends at the Center for Civic
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Along with allied groups including Common Cause and the Center for Civic Policy, we won a major victory in New Mexico yesterday, when the State House of Representatives approved a memorial (a.k.a. resolution or bill) calling for a Constitutional Amendment to over-rule Citizens United. Here’s the story from our friends at the Center for Civic
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Speaker makes case to overturn Citizens United

By Nancy Brumback/Special to the Town Crier

Wicked Local Sudbury

January 25, 2012

Jeff Clements, author and activist, called on citizens to support a Constitutional amendment overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision and got a pledge Tuesday from a Sudbury state legislator to do just that.

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By Nancy Brumback/Special to the Town Crier

Wicked Local Sudbury

January 25, 2012

Jeff Clements, author and activist, called on citizens to support a Constitutional amendment overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision and got a pledge Tuesday from a Sudbury state legislator to do just that.

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Resolution Passed by Unitarian Universalist Association in Charlotte, North Carolina

On June 26, 2011, at the General Assembly meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Charlotte, North Carolina, an Action of Immediate Witness opposing the Citizens United decision was passed. The resolution, "Oppose Citizens United--Support Free Speech For People" stated that "Unitarian Unviersalists believe in the the 'inherent worth and dignity of every person', and in the 'use of the democratic process' in society at large".

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On June 26, 2011, at the General Assembly meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Charlotte, North Carolina, an Action of Immediate Witness opposing the Citizens United decision was passed. The resolution, "Oppose Citizens United–Support Free Speech For People" stated that "Unitarian Unviersalists believe in the the ‘inherent worth and dignity of every person’, and in the ‘use of the democratic process’ in society at large".

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Amendment Resolution Passed in Williamstown

At a town meeting held in Williamstown, MA, on May 17, residents voted to pass a resolution calling upon Congress to adopt a Constitutional Amendment to regulate the expenditure of funds for political speech by any corporate entity, and to restore the First Amendment to the people. These resolutions will be sent to state and federal lawmakers in order to ask for their leadership and immediate action on this issue.

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At a town meeting held in Williamstown, MA, on May 17, residents voted to pass a resolution calling upon Congress to adopt a Constitutional Amendment to regulate the expenditure of funds for political speech by any corporate entity, and to restore the First Amendment to the people. These resolutions will be sent to state and federal lawmakers in order to ask for their leadership and immediate action on this issue.

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Great Barrington Passes Amendment Resolution

At a town meeting held May 2, 2011, in Great Barrington, MA, residents voted to pass a resolution calling upon Congress to create a Constitutional amendment to regulate the expenditure of funds for political speech by any corporation. The resolution will be sent to state and federal lawmakers asking for their leadership and immediate action on this issue.

Great Barrington joins the towns of Wellfleet, Truro and Provincetown, Massachusetts in advocating for a Constitutional amendment in response to Citizens United.

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At a town meeting held May 2, 2011, in Great Barrington, MA, residents voted to pass a resolution calling upon Congress to create a Constitutional amendment to regulate the expenditure of funds for political speech by any corporation. The resolution will be sent to state and federal lawmakers asking for their leadership and immediate action on this issue.

Great Barrington joins the towns of Wellfleet, Truro and Provincetown, Massachusetts in advocating for a Constitutional amendment in response to Citizens United.

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Amendment Resolutions Passed in Wellfleet and Truro, Massachusetts

At town meetings held April 26, 2011, in Truro, MA and Wellfleet, MA, resolutions were passed calling for a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC. The resolutions will be sent to state and federal lawmakers asking for their leadership and immediate action on this issue. 

Congratulations to the Truro and Wellfleet communities for their excellent efforts in ensuring the passage of resolutions calling for a constitutional amendment to restore fair elections and the Constitution to the people. 

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At town meetings held April 26, 2011, in Truro, MA and Wellfleet, MA, resolutions were passed calling for a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC. The resolutions will be sent to state and federal lawmakers asking for their leadership and immediate action on this issue. 

Congratulations to the Truro and Wellfleet communities for their excellent efforts in ensuring the passage of resolutions calling for a constitutional amendment to restore fair elections and the Constitution to the people. 

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