Latest Developments

The Birth of the Super PAC By Renée Loth via The Boston Globe

Last week, on Monday, November 16, Renée Loth moderated our panel at Harvard Law School on SpeechNow v. FEC and ending Super PACs. Loth is featured in today’s issue of The Boston Globe, discussing “The Birth of the Super PAC” and its relation to the 2010 SpeechNow ruling.
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BREAKING: DC Circuit Denies Rehearing En Banc in Conflict Minerals Case

In August, two judges of the D.C. Circuit (over a strong dissent by Judge Srinivasan) issued an opinion holding that this corporate disclosure rule violates the freedom of speech of publicly traded corporations. With the full court’s denial of en banc rehearing, the D.C. Circuit leaves a dangerous precedent in place.
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The Beginning Of The End of the Super PAC?

Are we nearing the beginning of the end for super PACs? These political money machines, designed to work around campaign contribution limits and inject unlimited political money into our political campaigns, are more powerful now than ever.
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Big Wins To Reclaim Democracy For All

We have some BIG news to report! Yesterday, was a really big deal for democracy in America. In states and cities from Maine to Seattle, citizens banded together to organize voters in their communities to pass initiatives that will reclaim our elections for “we the people.” We celebrate these victories and commend our partners and
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Stream SpeechNow Event

Argued less than a week after Citizens United v. FEC, and decided just two months later, the D.C. Circuit’s less-widely-reported decision in v. FEC further extended Citizens United and opened the door to what we now call Super PACs. But some argue that SpeechNow, which the Supreme Court declined to review, is not a
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Corporations, the Constitution, and Democracy

Free Speech For People and Loyola Law School invite you to attend a special symposium Friday, November 20, 2015 12:00pm – 4:30pm Robinson Courtroom, Loyola Law School, 919 Albany St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 “The Future of Corporate Constitutional Rights Litigation and Theory” 12pm – 1:10 pm Erwin Chemerinsky, UC Irvine School of LawMargaret M. Blair,
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