Latest Developments

Video: Citizens United v United States Citizens

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution was designed to protect the free speech rights of people, not corporations. Guests: John Bonifaz – Director, Free Speech for People, Pam Wilmot – Director, Common Cause Massachusetts, and Senator Jamie Eldridge discuss the recent Supreme Court decision Citizens United v FEC that may have the most deleterious effect on democracy in our lifetime, weakening campaign finance laws and expanding the power of corporations. A fascinating discussion of possible legislation and a constitutional amendment are also included as avenues to protect the voice of people in their own government.
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Video: John Bonifaz and Laura Flanders on the Corporate Supreme Court

At the 10:22 point in this video, GRIT tv host Laura Flanders takes up the topic of the Supreme Court, corporate power, and the "Citizens United" ruling. Guest John Bonifaz, the director of Free Speech for People discusses the results we’re already seeing from that ruling, how it impacts corporations, unions, and real flesh-and-blood people, (including how it has already impacted our thinking) and what needs to be done.

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The Word is Spreading

“Amend the Constitution” That is the cover title for The Progressive Magazine’s April 2010 issue.  In the lead article, Matthew Rothschild, the magazine’s editor, writes: “Make no mistake about it: The [Supreme] court’s ruling in Citizens United, if left to stand, will destroy whatever hope we may ever have had of democracy in this country. 
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“We the Corporations?” Event Planned at U of Wisconsin Law School

Life & Law in the U.S.A. after Citizens United v. FEC

Friday, April 16th, 2010
University of Wisconsin Law School
Madison, Wisconsin

On January 21st, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. An avalanche of criticism from grassroots organizations, members of Congress, and the President of the United States followed. Hundreds of thousands of Americans signed motions calling for action to overrule the Court — including amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

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