Category: Election Protection

Free Speech For People Leads Coalition of Organizations to Oppose the Continued Use of Electronic Voting Machines in Indiana.

Together with the Indiana League of Women Voters, Indiana Vote by Mail, and Verified Voting, Free Speech For People issued a letter on February 10 to Indiana state lawmakers to urge them to reject legislation that would continue the use of Indiana’s direct record electronic voting machines. A bill has been moving through the Indiana
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FSFP Senior Advisor on Election Security Susan Greenhalgh Featured in the Washington Post on the Dangers of Online Voting Systems.

Free Speech For People Senior Advisor on Election Security Susan Greenhalgh was recently featured in a new Washington Post story which revealed that the United States Postal Service secretly built and tested a blockchain-based mobile phone voting system prior to the 2020 election. At the direction of the USPS, researchers at the University of Colorado
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Voting Rights Groups File Complaint Urging Court to Address Unconstitutional Voter Suppression Law In Texas.

On December 1, 2021, non-profit civic engagement organization Mi Familia Vota and individual voters filed an amended complaint in federal court in Texas to further address the unlawful new voter suppression law recently enacted by the State Legislature. The plaintiffs filed the complaint jointly with Houston Justice, Houston Area Urban League, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
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Free Speech For People Forms Coalition to Oppose Internet Voting in San Francisco; Prompts Election Commission to Call for a Halt to the Project and for an Investigation.

A coalition of experts and organizations committed to secure, reliable elections, including Free Speech For People, California Voter Foundation, National Voting Rights Task Force, and Verified Voting, sent a letter November 16th to San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors and Elections Commission urging the Board to halt a pending contract for an internet voting system and
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FSFP Joins Coalition of National Organizations in Letter Urging Congress to Pass Freedom to Vote Act and Protect Election Officials and Election System From Attacks and Subversion.

Free Speech For People recently joined a coalition of more than fifty national organizations in a letter urging Members of Congress to support the Freedom to Vote Act, a piece of legislation which includes, “critical measures to safeguard elections, prevent voter intimidation, protect local election officials from partisan attacks, and protect election works and election
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WATCH: Voting Rights are On the Line in Texas

Last month, Texas enacted one of the country’s most restrictive voting laws in the modern era. With measures targeting many of the voting methods used during the COVID-19 pandemic, lawmakers largely suppressed votes from Texans of color and other marginalized communities. This law is an assault on democracy in Texas. That’s why we filed a
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FSFP Senior Advisor On Election Security Susan Greenhalgh Featured in Article on the Dangers of Online Voting.

Free Speech For People recently played a leading role in drafting and organizing a letter to members of the Senate Armed Services Committee to urge the Committee to reject provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act that would fund online voting. The letter was signed by Protect Democracy, U.S. Vote Foundation, Verified Voting, Common Cause
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Election Security Experts Alarmed by Online Voting Expansion in National Defense Authorization Act

Experts cite concerns that absentee ballots submitted electronically are vulnerable to privacy violations and hacking. WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 14, 2021) – In a letter released yesterday to the Senate Committee on Armed Services, a group of 27 election security experts and nonpartisan voting rights organizations urged the Senate to not include sections of the National
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FSFP Senior Advisor On Election Security Susan Greenhalgh Co-Authors New Oped With Professor J. Alex Halderman In Newsweek On How The Big Lie Masks Legitimate Election Security Concerns and Inhibits Important Reforms.

Newsweek recently published a new oped by FSFP Senior Advisor On Election Security Susan Greenhalgh and Professor J. Alex Halderman on how the Big Lie inhibits important reforms needed to better secure voting systems across the country. The oped underscores the fact that there is abundant evidence that confirms the fact that the 2020 election
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The complaint targets SB 1, one of the country’s most restrictive voting laws, for violating the Constitution’s First, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. SAN ANTONIO, TX (September 27, 2021) – Non-profit civic engagement organization Mi Familia Vota, along with individual voters, filed suit today in the United States District
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